About The History Society of Zimbabwe

The Aims and Objects of the Society

The Society exists to promote historical studies and to encourage research. It also aims to unite all who wish to foster a wider appreciation and knowledge of the History of Zimbabwe and neighbouring territories.


A Brief History of the Society

From 1949 to 1952 two civil servants, Harry Archie Cripwell of the then Native Department and Brendon William Lloyd of the then Native Education Department found that they shared an interest in books on Rhodesian.


HSZ National Committee, 2024/2025

2024 HSZ National Committee standing cropped

Left to Right: John McCarthyTim Tanser; Fraser Edkins (Editor of Heritage); Charles Waghorn (National Chairman); Harald Solberg (IT member); Marco Faccio (Treasurer); Robin Taylor; Robin Bottomley (Mashonaland Chairman); Professor Ray Roberts; Kevin Atkinson

HSZ Mashonaland Committee, 2024/2025

Left to right Mary Blair, Charles Waghorn (National Chairman), Robin Bottomley ( Mashonaland Chairman), Charles Castelin, Marco Faccio (Treasurer), Absent: Robin Taylor

Left to right: Mary Blair, Charles Waghorn (National Chairman) Robin Bottomley (Mashonaland Chairman), Charles Castelin, Marco Faccio (Treasurer), Absent: Robin Taylor, Cheryll Stringer and Prof. Ray Roberts

HSZ National Committee, 2023/2024

2023 National Committee

Left to Right: Charles Castelin (Chairman); Robin Taylor; Fraser Edkins (Editor of Heritage); Tim Tanser; Robin Bottomley (Mashonaland Chairman); Professor Ray Roberts; Kevin Atkinson; John McCarthy.

Absent: Marco Faccio (Treasurer); Charles Waghorn.

HSZ Mashonaland Branch Committee, 2023/2024

2023 Mashonaland Branch Committee marco

Left to Right: Marco Faccio (Treasurer); Charles Waghorn; Robin Taylor; Prof. Ray Roberts; Glyn Vale; Harald Solberg (IT and Webmaster); Doug McClymont; Charles Castelin (Membership and Communications); Robin Bottomley (Chairman); Kevin Atkinson (former National Chairman)

HSZ National Committee, 2022/2023

L to R : Robin Taylor, John McCarthy, Kevin Atkinson (Chair), Tim Tanser, Fraser Edkins (Editor), Marian McClymont (Hon Treasurer and Secretary), Doug McClymont ( Mash Branch Chair), Charles Castelin . Absent:Ray Roberts.

Left to Right:  Robin Taylor, John McCarthy, Kevin Atkinson (Chair), Tim Tanser, Fraser Edkins (Editor), Marian McClymont (Hon Treasurer and Secretary), Doug McClymont ( Mash Branch Chair), Charles Castelin .

Absent: Ray Roberts.

HSZ Mashonaland Branch Committee, 2022/2023

Mashonaland Committee2022/23

Left to Right: Charles Castelin; (Membership and Communications); Robin Bottomley; Stan Fynes-Clinton; John Tayler; Doug McClymont; (Chairman) Marco Faccio; Kevin Atkinson (National Chairman)

Absent: Robin Taylor, Glyn Vale and Anne Campbell

HSZ National Executive Committee, 2020/2021

Kevin Atkinson
Fraser Edkins
(Heritage Magazine Editor)
Marian McClymont
Charles Castelin
Robin Taylor
(Mashonaland Branch Representative)
John McCarthy
Ray Roberts
Tim Tanser


Mashonaland Committee

HSZ Mashonaland Branch Committee, 2020/2021

Robin Taylor
Stan Fynes-Clinton
Charles Castelin
(Membership & Communications)
Meg Cumming
Marco Faccio
Ben Kaschula
John McCarthy
Doug McClymont
Kevin Atkinson (National Chairman)
John Tayler

Julia Russell
(Minutes Secretary)

Missing from photo John McCarthy, Julia Russell, Marco Faccio

From Left Stan Fynes-Clinton, John Tayler, Kevin Atkinson, Robin Taylor (Chairman), Charles Castelin, Meg Cumming, Doug McClymont.

History Society of Zimbabwe - Mashonaland Branch Committee 2017 / 2018

History Society of Zimbabwe - Mashonaland Branch Committee 2017 / 2018

Back Row: John Tayler, Robin Taylor, Bob Challiss, Stan Fynes-Clinton (Honorary Treasurer) and Ben Kaschula

Front Row: (Left to Right): Julia Russell (Minute Secretary), Charles Castelin (Chairman),  Ray Roberts and Fiona Atkinson.

Missing: Meg Cumming, Glyn Vale, Jim Holland and John McCarthy.

History Society of Zimbabwe - National Executive Committee 2018 / 2019

History Society of Zimbabwe Executive Committee

Back Row: (Left to Right): Charles Castelin, Fraser Edkins (Heritage Editor), Robin Taylor, John McCarthy.

Front Row: (Left to Right): Kevin Atkinson (Deputy Chairman), Tim Tanser (Chairman), Ray Roberts.